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Timmallallie National Park

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Timmallallie National Park was created in December 2005. It covers an area of 39395ha. View the detailed park and fire management documents.

Timmallallie National Park is located in the heart of the Pilliga Forest, a vast, ancient and unique forest covering 500,000 hectares. The Pilliga Forest is the largest native forest west of the Great Dividing Range. The park, along with the rest of the Pilliga Forest, is a refuge for wildlife including over 240 species of birds and a large population of koalas.

Visit the award winning Sculptures in the Scrub walking track, one of the Pilliga's iconic attractions, or stay overnight at Sculptures in the Scrub campground.

At the northern tip of Timmallallie National Park you might like to pause at Salt Caves picnic area and Pilliga lookout tower for lunch. Be sure to climb Pilliga Forest lookout tower for breathtaking views of the area. Salt Caves campground is a good place to stay when visiting this part of the park.

Timmallallie National Park is one of the few reserves in the Pilliga Forest with picnic and toilet facilities. The name of the park was changed to Timmallallie National Park on 16 October 2015.

These maps give a basic overview of park attractions and facilities, and may not be detailed enough for some activities. We recommend that you buy a topographic map before you go exploring.


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