Donate to NSW National Parks
Our national parks are the cornerstone of biodiversity and conservation in NSW. Make a tax-deductible donation today and help protect our natural places and unique wildlife for generations to come.
Read more about Donate to NSW National Parks
Donate now to protect our most precious habitats and wildlife
Help create the next great national park or lend a helping hand to vulnerable native animals like bristlebirds, rock-wallabies, and platypus.
Your tax-deductible donation will be invested in on-ground conservation actions that protect our unique landscapes, habitats and wildlife, many of which are found nowhere else on the planet.
Funds raised will go to:
- buying land for addition to the national park estate
- practical action to restore habitats and ecosystems and prevent extinctions
- initiatives to support Aboriginal management on Country
- world class science, research and monitoring.
Will you support our zero extinctions pledge?
NPWS is the first park agency in Australia to publicly set a zero extinctions target, and one of the first in the world.
Our goal is to prevent species extinctions in NSW national parks and restore populations.
The facts:
- More than 1 million species worldwide are threatened with extinction.
- Australia has the worst mammal extinction rate on the planet.
- Around 84% of the approximately 900 threatened species in NSW are found in national parks.
- Threats such as climate change, fire, and feral animals and weeds occur across all our tenures.
That’s why we’re delivering vital work to ensure national parks are a stronghold for threatened species.
And we’re making history along the way. We recently celebrated the 13th locally extinct mammal that has been returned to our national parks – a globally significant outcome.
But there’s more to do. Find out what we’re already doing. Your donation will make a difference.
About the Trust
The National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Trust is the statutory not-for-profit partner of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS), one of the oldest and most respected park agencies in the world.
The Trust is established under Part 7 of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and was endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient in 2024.
The Act provides that funds must go towards:
- the acquisition of lands for national parks
- scientific research and monitoring
- threatened species conservation, including restoration
- projects that support the involvement of Aboriginal people in park management, including joint management
- other non-routine activities that support conservation of nature and cultural values and foster public appreciation and enjoyment.
The Board
The Trust is overseen by an independent Board with members appointed by the NSW Environment Minister.
ABN: 81 268 943 792.