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Get involved

Our national parks and wildlife benefit enormously from the generous support and participation of the community. Getting involved is a great way to connect with our environment at some of the finest natural locations in NSW. You can get involved by taking part in a volunteering activity such as tour-guiding or joining a bush regeneration group. Embrace your sense of adventure and join a tour, event, or guided walk, or make a donation to support conservation programs which preserve NSW's natural and historic heritage.

Tree planting at Warrumbungle National Park. Photo: John Spencer

Ways to get involved

Ranger surveying animal footprints, Mungo National Park. Photo: John Spencer

Care for parks

NSW national parks offer a variety of historic, cultural and leisure activities for you to enjoy. Find out about how you can care for our parks during your visit.

A spotted-tailed quoll on a tree. This vulnerable species is the largest remaining carnivorous marsupial on mainland Australia and is part of the Saving our Species conservation program. Credit: Lachlan Hall © DCCEEW

Donate to NSW National Parks

Our national parks are the cornerstone of biodiversity and conservation in NSW. Make a tax-deductible donation today and help protect our natural places and unique wildlife for generations to come.

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