Corrabare South Flora Reserve
Corrabare South Flora Reserve was created in January 2021. It covers an area of 56ha.
View the detailed park and fire management documents for Corrabare South Flora Reserve. The reserve is near Cessnock in the NSW Hunter region. It’s separated from the larger Corrabare North Flora Reserve to the north by Corrabare State Forest.
Located near Wollombi and Watagan Creek, Corrabare South Flora Reserve links up with areas of native forest, which include private lands, to form a regional habitat corridor for wildlife. This corridor connects conservation lands on the escarpment with those on the coastal plain, from Yengo and Wollemi national parks in the west to Watagans and Werakata national parks in the east.
The landscapes of Corrabare North and Corrabare South flora reserves feature rocky outcrops, overhangs and caves, as well as intermittent streams that make good habitat for amphibians. This rugged terrain and its natural vegetation are home to forest owls and other tree-dwelling animals.
In total, 23 threatened native animal species have been recorded within or less than 1km from the reserves, which are thought to have regional importance for koalas.
About flora reserves
Flora reserves were established under the Forestry Act 2012 and remain State Forest. Under a unique management arrangement, this land is managed by NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. This ensures management is consistent with the adjoining national parks, which are also being managed for their cultural values and for koala conservation.
These maps give a basic overview of park attractions and facilities, and may not be detailed enough for some activities. We recommend that you buy a topographic map before you go exploring.
- in the North Coast region
Bulga office
02 6574 5555
Contact hours: Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4pm. - 2156 Putty Road, Bulga NSW 2330
Bulga office