Nearby alerts
Applies from Mon 3 Feb 2025, 1.00am. Last reviewed: Tue 18 Feb 2025, 1.46pm
Closed areas: Cascade trail carpark closed - 3 February to 21 March 2025
Transport for NSW is carrying out essential maintenance on the large culverts beneath the Alpine Way adjacent to the Cascade trail carpark.
The Cascade Trail carpark will be closed for parking from Monday 3 February 2025 to Friday 21 March 2025, as workers and machinery will be occupying the area. Visitors accessing Cascade trail are asked to use the Dead Horse Gap carpark and walk about 500m to reach the trailhead, following any signage.
During work hours, access to the walking track will be managed under traffic control for the safety of pedestrians, workers and motorists. Please follow the directions of workers and signage.
If you would like more information, please email or call the project team on 1800 555 638.
Affects 1 park and 3 locations nearby. Show list
Applies from Wed 5 Feb 2025, 3.49pm to Fri 7 Mar 2025, 7.00pm. Last reviewed: Tue 18 Feb 2025, 1.36pm
Closed areas: Areas closed for feral animal control – Pilot and Byadbo Wilderness Areas, Lower Snowy area, Moonbah, Ingebyra, Grosses Plain, Kosciuszko National Park
The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) will be conducting aerial feral animal control operations in the Pilot and Byadbo Wilderness Areas, the Lower Snowy area, and the Moonbah, Ingebyra and Grosses Plain areas of Kosciuszko National Park.
Areas will be closed between 7am, Monday 24 February and 7pm, Friday 7 March 2025. Control operations will not be undertaken on weekends.
Closure notices will be placed at relevant access points. Do not enter the closed areas. Penalties apply for non-compliance.
The following tracks, trails and visitor facilities will remain open during the operation:
- The Australian Alps Walking Track (AAWT), including Cowombat, Snow Gums, Pilot Creek and Cascade Trail
- Pilot Wilderness Mountain Bike Ride, including Cascade, Ingeegoodbee and Nine Mile Trails
- Cascade Hut
- Tin Mines Huts
- Ingeegoodbee Hut
- Lower Snowy Drive (Barry Way)
- Wallace Craigie Lookout
- Jacobs River/Tongaroo campground
- Halfway Flat campground
- No Name Day Use Area
- Pinch/Moyangul campground
- Nine Mile campground
- Jacks Lookout
- Running Waters campground
- Willis campground
All other tracks, trails and visitor facilties within these areas will remain closed during operations.
For more information, please contact the NPWS Jindabyne office via email or call 02 6450 5555.
Affects 1 park and 12 locations nearby. Show list
Applies from Mon 3 Feb 2025, 2.15pm. Last reviewed: Wed 19 Feb 2025, 9.52am
Other planned events: Fire trail maintenance work - Cascade Trail
Fire trail maintenance work is currently being undertaken on Cascade Trail between the Alpine Way and the Cowombat/Ingeegoodbee Trail intersection.
Notification signage is present at the entry to work areas. Trail users are to be aware of heavy plant movements and comply with all directions from contractors and NPWS staff.
For more information please contact the NPWS Jindabyne office on (02) 6450 5555.
Affects 1 park and 2 locations nearby. Show list
Applies from Fri 29 Sep 2023, 4.00pm. Last reviewed: Sat 5 Oct 2024, 10.33am
Closed areas: Kosciuszko National Park closed sites
A number of sites in Kosciuszko National Park are closed or may have other restrictions until further notice.
Road Closures
Olsens Road BEYOND Geehi Dam
Fire-affected areas
Some sections of Kosciuszko National Park which burnt during the 2019/2020 fires remain closed. These areas include:
- Wolgal and Pattinson's Huts
Huts that burnt down in the 2020 fires
These locations remain open, but the following huts or buildings have been lost:
- Linesman's No.3 Huts, Round Mountain Hut, and Dry Dam Ski Shelter.
- Warning: Please take care as there may be broken glass/nails that are uncovered since NPWS made records and cleaned up these sites. Please do not disturb the sites or remove artefacts.
Snowy 2.0 works affecting access to Tantangara Road and Tantangara Dam
- Access to the southern end of Tantangara Reservoir via Quarry trail is closed to the public.
- Access to the southern end boat ramp is open, but may be subject to short-term closures.
- Current boating and camping access to Tantangara Reservoir will still be available at access points on the northern end of the reservoir, via Port Phillip and Dam trails.
Do not enter closed areas in Kosciuszko National Park. Penalties apply for non-compliance. For more information, contact the local NPWS office.
Affects 1 park and 2 locations nearby. Show list