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Junior ranger: Shorebirds and mangroves

Hunter Wetlands National Park

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Calling all junior rangers, join us on a birdwatching adventure these school holidays! Bring your camera and see if you can photograph the shorebirds at Hunter Wetlands National Park, near Newcastle.



Sunday 6 April, 9am to 11am

Sunday 13 April, 1.30pm to 3.30pm

Monday 21 April, 8.30am to 10.30am


Monday 5 January, 4pm to 6pm

Sunday 11 January, 9am to 11am

Sunday 18 January, 3pm to 5pm

No wheelchair access
Easy. Suitable for children 5 years and over. We’ll walk 1 to 2km, and there are some uneven paths.

Child (5 to 16 years) $15 per person. Accompanying adults free. 

Meeting point
Under Stockton Bridge.
Bookings required. Phone 1300 072 757 for more information or book online.
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This experience at Stockton sandspit will fascinate, as you witness masses of shorebirds feeding and gathering along the mangrove-ringed mud flats of this Ramsar-listed site. Discover where these migratory birds start their massive journeys and their destination. See if you can spot a bar-tailed godwit, sandpipers, terns or maybe a curlew.

Come and join in some fun hands-on activities as well! It’s a good idea to wear a hat and sturdy enclosed shoes, and bring sunscreen, insect repellent, binoculars (if you have them), drinking water and snacks.

This tour is funded by the Australian Government Natural Heritage Trust and delivered for Local Land Services, a member of the Commonwealth Regional Delivery Partners panel.

For directions, safety and practical information, see visitor info

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