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Major Clews Hut trail

Khancoban area in Kosciuszko National Park

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Applies from Fri 29 Sep 2023, 4.00pm. Last reviewed: Sat 5 Oct 2024, 10.33am

Closed areas: Kosciuszko National Park closed sites

A number of sites in Kosciuszko National Park are closed or may have other restrictions until further notice.

Road Closures

Olsens Road BEYOND Geehi Dam

Fire-affected areas

Some sections of Kosciuszko National Park which burnt during the 2019/2020 fires remain closed. These areas include:

  • Wolgal and Pattinson's Huts

Huts that burnt down in the 2020 fires

These locations remain open, but the following huts or buildings have been lost:

  • Linesman's No.3 Huts, Round Mountain Hut, and Dry Dam Ski Shelter.
  • Warning: Please take care as there may be broken glass/nails that are uncovered since NPWS made records and cleaned up these sites. Please do not disturb the sites or remove artefacts.

Snowy 2.0 works affecting access to Tantangara Road and Tantangara Dam

  • Access to the southern end of Tantangara Reservoir via Quarry trail is closed to the public.
  • Access to the southern end boat ramp is open, but may be subject to short-term closures.
  • Current boating and camping access to Tantangara Reservoir will still be available at access points on the northern end of the reservoir, via Port Phillip and Dam trails.

Do not enter closed areas in Kosciuszko National Park. Penalties apply for non-compliance. For more information, contact the local NPWS office.

Affects 1 park and 2 locations nearby. Show list

Local alerts

For the latest updates on fires, closures and other alerts in this area, see

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Emergency services

For all NSW fires visit the Rural Fire Service

For the latest information on wildfires in your area please contact the NSW Rural Fire Service.

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