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Teacher resources

Bring NSW national parks into your classroom using our free tools and resources for teachers. Developed by our team of educators, rangers and traditional knowledge holders, these resources have been created to meet your needs.

They encourage a contemporary approach to environmental education and respect protocols for Aboriginal cultural safety. They are also carefully aligned with the NSW syllabus.

Explore our expanding range of learning resources. Email us for more information.

Students completing worksheets, Tomaree National Park, 2019. Photo: Adam Hollingworth: Hired Gun © DPIE

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Close up image of the Manning River helmeted turtle, showing the yellow stripe from its jaw to the neck of its shell. Credit: Darren Fielder/DCCEEW © the photographer

Manning River helmeted turtle: On the edge

This Saving our Species resource is ideal for Stage 6 Biology teachers. The resource and embedded depth study examine how threatened species are monitored and managed in NSW national parks.

Stage 6 (Years 11-12)
Learning area
A Regent honeyeater perched on a branch in the sun. Photo: Mick Roderick © the photographer

Regent honeyeater: On the edge

This Saving our Species resource is ideal for Stage 6 Biology teachers. The resource and embedded depth study examine how threatened species are monitored and managed in NSW national parks.

Stage 6 (Years 11-12)
Learning area
A firefighter working as part of an all-female hazard reduction burn, Scheyville National Park. Photo: Peter Taseki © DPIE

Bushfires in NSW

Bushfires in NSW is a Stage 3 teacher resource aligned to learning outcomes and course content in the NSW Geography and Science and Technology syllabuses.

Stage 3 (Years 5-6)
Learning area
Two young students in the field, beside a tree. Photo: Adam Hollingworth © DPE

Cooling the schools

Cooling the schools is a stage 3 teacher resource aligned to learning outcomes and course content in the NSW Geography, Science and Technology and English syllabuses. The NSW cross-curriculum priority of Sustainability is also addressed.

Stage 3 (Years 5-6)
Learning area
Geography, Science and Technology
A school student measuring a transect, Kosciuszko National Park. Photo: Remy Brand © DPE

Landscapes and landforms

This Stage 4 teacher resource is aligned to learning outcomes in the NSW Geography, Science and English syllabuses. The cross-curriculum priorities of Sustainability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and culture are also addressed.

Stage 4 (Years 7-8)
Learning area
Coastal track, Royal National Park. Photo: David Finnegan

Who cares about national parks?

Who cares about national parks? is a Stage 2 education resource that supports the NSW syllabus learning outcomes associated with Geography, Science and Technology, English and Creative Arts. 

Stage 2 (Years 3-4)
Learning area
Border Ranges National Park. Photo: John Spencer

Rainforests of NSW

‘Rainforests of NSW’ is one of our education resources for Stage 2 students. It illustrates rainforest types, structure, energy and nutrient cycles, and food chains within NSW national parks. ‘Rainforests of NSW’ supports the Science and Technology syllabus and has some excellent ideas for school excursions.

Stage 2 (Years 3-4)
Learning area
Science and Technology
Border Ranges National Park. Photo: John Spencer

Rainforests of NSW

‘Rainforests of NSW’ is one of our education resources for Stage 5 students. It illustrates rainforest types, structure, energy and nutrient cycles, and food chains within NSW national parks. ‘Rainforests of NSW’ is an expansion of the Geography syllabus unit ‘Global Environments – Rainforests’, and has some excellent ideas for school excursions.

Stage 5 (Years 9-10)
Learning area
Border Ranges National Park. Photo: John Spencer

Rainforests of NSW

‘Rainforests of NSW’ is one of our education resources for Stage 3 students. It illustrates rainforest types, structure, energy and nutrient cycles, and food chains within NSW national parks. ‘Rainforests of NSW’ is an expansion of the HSIE syllabus unit ‘Global Environments – Rainforests’, and has some excellent ideas for school excursions.

Stage 3 (Years 5-6)
Learning area
Border Ranges National Park. Photo: John Spencer

Rainforests of NSW

‘Rainforests of NSW’ is one of our education resources for Stage 1 students. It illustrates rainforest types, structure, and food chains within NSW national parks. ‘Rainforests of NSW’ is an expansion of the HSIE syllabus unit ‘Global Environments – Rainforests’, and has some excellent ideas for school excursions.

Stage 1 (Years 1-2)
Learning area

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