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Rainforests of NSW

Stage 6 (Years 11-12), Senior Science

‘Rainforests of NSW’ is one of our education resources for Stage 6 students. It illustrates rainforest types, structure, energy and nutrient cycles, and food chains within NSW national parks. ‘Rainforests of NSW’ supports the Senior Science syllabus and has some excellent ideas for school excursions.

Read more about Rainforests of NSW

The ‘Rainforests of NSW’ teaching kit has been prepared to help teach the value of rainforests in NSW. Students will learn about rainforest types, structure, energy and nutrient cycles, and food chains. Further fact sheets cover the importance of rainforests, the human impact upon them, and managing for risk.

Highlighting some key local rainforests in places like Dorrigo National Park – part of the New England group of the World Heritage Gondwana Rainforests of Australia – this kit was created with Stage 6 students in mind. It expands upon the Senior Science syllabus and encourages local field studies of our rainforests.

This teaching kit was developed by NPWS Discovery for Schools staff in the NSW North Coast region to support schools participating in the Discovery for Schools excursion program.

Stage Stage 6 (Years 11-12)
Learning area Senior Science
Student outcomes

P7. Explains relationships between organisms in the environment.

P16. Demonstrates positive values about and attitudes towards both the living and nonliving components of the environment, ethical behaviour and a desire for a critical evaluation of the consequences of the applications of science.


This teaching kit includes:

  • Under the Canopy: a 30-page full colour PDF (6.3MB) guide to the rainforests of NSW for students and teachers.
  • Information, photos and diagrams explaining the requirements, structure, cycles and relationships that exist so that a rainforest can grow and continue. Human impacts are also described
  • Case studies of Australian rainforests in many NSW national parks, including Dorrigo National Park.
  • Links to rainforests you can visit
  • School excursion outlines and supporting materials (e.g. teachers’ notes, student fact sheets, student worksheets) for various sites in NSW.
  • All you need to build a rainforest diorama.

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