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Northeys apartment

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Visitor info

All the practical information you need to know about Northeys apartment.

Getting there and parking

From Bathurst (allow 1.5hrs):

  • Turn off the Great Western Highway onto Gilmour Street, at Kelso
  • Follow Sofala Road for around 45km
  • At Sofala, turn left onto Hill End Road and continue for around 37.5km to Hill End Historic Site

From Mudgee (allow 1.25hrs):

  • Head north towards Gulgong on the Castlereagh Highway
  • Turn left onto Hill End Road and continue for around 69km to Hill End Historic Site

After arriving in Hill End, drive past the Royal Hotel. Continue towards the war memorial and keep to the right (Clarke Street). Northeys is the first property on the left-hand side. It’s a double story brick building with a balcony facing the street.

Access to the apartment is at the rear of the building. You will need an access code to enter the property. We’ll email you the code after you book.

Road quality

  • Sealed roads

Vehicle access

  • 2WD vehicles

Weather restrictions

  • All weather


Parking is available on the right-hand side of the property in the designated parking area.


  • The apartment has 1 bedroom with a queen bed
  • The indoor bathroom has a shower and toilet.
  • Please leave the property clean and tidy with kitchen items washed up and put away. Additional fees may be charged for any unreasonable cleaning required, or for missing or broken items.


  • Flush toilets

Picnic tables

Barbecue facilities

  • Gas/electric barbecues (free)

Drinking water


  • Hot showers

Electric power


2-burner stovetop, microwave, kettle and toaster.


The lounge room has a gas log heater.


TV and DVD player.

Maps and downloads

Safety messages

Bushwalking safety

If you're keen to head out on a longer walk or a backpack camp, always be prepared. Read these bushwalking safety tips before you set off on a walking adventure in national parks.

Fire safety

During periods of fire weather, the Commissioner of the NSW Rural Fire Service may declare a total fire ban for particular NSW fire areas, or statewide. Learn more about total fire bans and fire safety.

Mobile safety

Dial Triple Zero (000) in an emergency. Download the Emergency Plus app before you visit, it helps emergency services locate you using your smartphone's GPS. Please note there is limited mobile phone reception in this park and you’ll need mobile reception to call Triple Zero (000).


Disability access level - no wheelchair access




Fossicking is prohibited in Hill End Historic Site. There is a Crown Land fossicking area in Tambaroora, 12min drive north of Hill End, where you can fossick with a permit.

Camp fires and solid fuel burners



Flying a drone for recreational purposes is prohibited in this area. Drones may affect public enjoyment, safety and privacy, interfere with park operations, or pose a threat to wildlife. See the Drones in Parks policy.

This area may be a declared Drone Exclusion Zone, or may be subject to Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) rules for flying near airports, aerodromes and helicopter landing sites. See CASA's Drone Flyer Rules.

Commercial filming and photography

Commercial filming or photography is prohibited without prior consent. You must apply for permission and contact the local office.

Gathering firewood




Pets and domestic animals (other than certified assistance animals) are not permitted. Find out which regional parks allow dog walking and see the pets in parks policy for more information.


NSW national parks are no smoking areas.

Map of Northeys apartment in Hill End Historic Site.

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