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Body worn video cameras in NSW national parks

When visiting a NSW national park or reserve you may see some of our NPWS authorised officers wearing Body Worn Video Cameras (BWVCs). BWVCs are standard operational equipment for NPWS authorised officers undertaking law enforcement work.

Read more about Body worn video cameras in NSW national parks

What is a BWVC?

BWVCs are high-definition cameras, worn on the body that can record audio and visual footage. NPWS officers may use BWVCs to gather evidence, such as recording events and conversations.

Why are NPWS using them?

  • To improve officer and visitor safety
  • To lower the incidence and escalation of aggressive behaviours
  • To gather evidence for law enforcement purposes e.g. litter and registration details

Where is the footage being stored?

All footage captured on the BWVCs is uploaded to a secure cloud storage system that can only be accessed by National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) authorised officers. If the recording is required for evidence purposes, it will be stored for 7 years. If it is not required as evidence, the footage will automatically be deleted in 90 days.

What if I don’t want to be filmed?

You can request not to be videoed or filmed, and our officer may choose to turn the BWVC off. However, NPWS authorised officers, under the National Parks & Wildlife Act 1974 (NPW Act), are permitted to use the BWVCs during the normal execution of their duties.

The authorisation of an officer under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act) allows the NPWS authorised officer to exercise certain powers and functions under the NPW Act and POEO Act.

The NPWS authorised officer can also choose to leave the BWVC on for safety reasons.

What are the recordings being used for?

NPWS will only use BWVC recordings for law enforcement purposes, as defined in the Surveillance Devices Act 2007. Recordings may be used:

  • to assist when making written notes,
  • in court as evidence;
  • or where allowed by regulation.

It is an offence for BWVC recordings to be unlawfully used, communicated or publicised.

What about my privacy?

You may be concerned about BWVC use and how it affects your privacy. NPWS collects and handles your personal information in accordance with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.

Your personal information may have been collected as audio or visual footage. This information may be used by NPWS when undertaking law enforcement activities. It will be held by NPWS and will not be shared unless NPWS is legally obligated to do so. While you have the right to request that your personal information not be collected, we may not be obligated to comply.

NPWS is a part of the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW). You may contact DCCEEW to access your personal information.  

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