Wombeyan Karst Conservation Reserve
What we're doing
Park management activities
Wombeyan Karst Conservation Reserve has management strategies in place to protect and conserve the values of this park. Visit the detailed park and fire management documents. Here is just some of the work we’re doing to conserve these values:
Understanding landscapes and geology
Wombeyan Karst Conservation Reserve values the protection and conservation of biodiversity, land and native vegetation. Ongoing initiatives are carried out within this park, and are designed to deliver important landscape connectivity conservation outcomes.
Preserving biodiversity
Biodiversity is integral to Wombeyan Karst Conservation Reserve, and the reserve’s native flora and fauna communities – including threatened species – are carefully protected. Pest management and weed control programs are in place in this park and are implemented with minimal disturbance to the area’s special karst environment.
Managing weeds, pest animals and other threats
Pests and weeds have a significant impact to the ecosystems within Wombeyan Karst Conservation Reserve. NPWS carries out risk assesments for new and emerging weeds as well as wild dog control to protect biodiversity in this conservation reserve.
Developing visitor facilities and experiences
NPWS is committed to providing its visitors with clear, accurate information. The directional signage and interpretive material displayed in Wombeyan Karst Conservation Reserve is regularly reviewed, ensuring the public is aware of the unique requirements of visiting this delicate area. NPWS regularly maintains its visitor facilities, and management programs are ongoing in this reserve.
Conserving our Aboriginal culture
Wombeyan Karst Conservation Reserve ensures all Aboriginal sites within its borders are protected and preserved. NPWS collaborates with the Pejar Local Aboriginal Land Council on Aboriginal site management and interpretation, and sites are regularly inspected and maintained. Development decisions are made with the goal of minimal impact and least proximity to Aboriginal sites. Research into Aboriginal culture is ongoing in this park.
Managing fire
NSW is one of the most bushfire prone areas in the world as a result of our climate, weather systems, vegetation and the rugged terrain. NPWS is committed to maintaining natural and cultural heritage values and minimising the likelihood and impact of bushfires via a strategic program of fire research, fire planning, hazard reduction, highly trained rapid response firefighting crews and community alerts.
- in the Country NSW region
Wombeyan Karst Conservation Reserve is always open but may have to close at times due to poor weather or fire danger.
Wombeyan Caves office
02 4843 5976
Contact hours: 9am to 4.30pm daily. Closed Christmas Day. - 41 Victoria Arch Drive, Wombeyan Caves NSW 2580
Email: wombeyan.caves@environment.nsw.gov.au
Wombeyan Caves office
Oberon office
02 6336 6200
Contact hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 4.30pm. - 38 Ross Street, Oberon NSW 2787
Email: npws.kanangra@environment.nsw.gov.au
Oberon office
Donate to NSW National Parks
Your donation will help buy land for national parks and fund practical on-ground actions to protect endangered species and strengthen our work with Aboriginal communities.