Nearby alerts
Applies from Sat 22 Feb 2025, 11.00am. Last reviewed: Tue 18 Feb 2025, 1.56pm
Hazard reduction burns: Sackville SFAZ
There is a planned Hazard Reduction burn in this park from 22/02/2025. The fire is called Sackville SFAZ. Refer to the Rural Fire Service for latest information. Do not enter any closed area or area with fire. If you see an unattended fire call Triple Zero (000). Penalties apply for non-compliance. For more information about fire safety in parks and reserves, visit the NSW National Parks fire safety page for park safety guidelines.
Affects 1 park nearby. Show list
Applies from Mon 3 Feb 2025, 3.08pm to Wed 30 Apr 2025, 7.00pm. Last reviewed: Mon 3 Feb 2025, 3.13pm
Safety alerts: Weed Spraying works
NSW NPWS will be working with contractors to complete a weed spraying program within the following reserves:
- Guula Ngurra National Park
- Bangadilly National Park
- Wollondilly River Nature Reserve
- Nattai National Park
- Nattai State Conservation Area.
The main weed being sprayed is Blackberry but other environmental weeds might be treated at the same time. Do not harvest or eat blackberry fruit within these areas.
If you have any concerns please contact your local NPWS office on 02 4720 6200.
Affects 2 parks nearby. Show list
Applies from Tue 1 Oct 2024, 12.00am to Mon 31 Mar 2025, 11.59pm. Last reviewed: Wed 8 Jan 2025, 1.20pm
Fire bans: Mudgee Reserves
A park fire ban is in place in this park and remains in effect unless otherwise extended or removed.
The following campgrounds are exempt and park users can have a small fire in NPWS supplied fire rings during this fire ban:
Capertee National Park
- Capertee campground
- Honeyeater Homestead
- Capertee Homestead
- Caretakers Cottage
Goulburn River National Park
- Spring Gully campground
- Big River campground
Goulburn River SCA
During park fire ban periods, all campfire and solid fuel (wood, heat beads, charcoal, briquettes, hexamine) barbecues and stoves are prohibited. Gas and electric barbecues and cookers are permitted as long as:
- They're under direct control of an adult
- The ground within 2m of the barbecue is cleared of all flammable materials
- There's an adequate supply of water (minimum of a bucket)
If a Total Fire Ban is in place, different rules apply. Contact the local park office before bringing a gas or electric barbecue or cooker.
Penalties apply for non-compliance. For more information about fire bans in parks and reserves including your responsibilities, visit the NSW National Parks fire safety page.
Applies from Tue 1 Oct 2024, 12.00am to Mon 31 Mar 2025, 11.59pm. Last reviewed: Wed 8 Jan 2025, 1.18pm
Fire bans: Park fire ban
A park fire ban is in place in this park and remains in effect unless otherwise extended or removed.
However, the following campgrounds are exempt in Wollemi National Park:
- Coorongooba,
- Ganguddy (Dunns Swamp)
- Wheeny Creek
- Colo Meroo
- Sheepskin Hut.
Park users can have a small campfire in NPWS supplied fire rings in the campgrounds listed above.
During park fire ban periods, all campfire and solid fuel (wood, heat beads, charcoal, briquettes, hexamine) barbecues and stoves are prohibited. Gas and electric barbecues and cookers are permitted as long as:
- They're under direct control of an adult
- The ground within 2m of the barbecue is cleared of all flammable materials
- There's an adequate supply of water (minimum of a bucket)
If a Total Fire Ban is in place, different rules apply. Contact the local park office before bringing a gas or electric barbecue or cooker.
Penalties apply for non-compliance. For more information about fire bans in parks and reserves including your responsibilities, visit the NSW National Parks fire safety page.
Applies from Tue 1 Oct 2024, 12.00am to Mon 31 Mar 2025, 11.59pm. Last reviewed: Mon 18 Nov 2024, 4.12pm
Fire bans: Park fire ban
A park fire ban is in place in this park and remains in effect unless otherwise extended or removed.
However, the following campgrounds in Blue Mountains National Park are exempt:
- Galong Cabins
- Dunphys campground
- Murphys Glen
- Kedumba River campground
- Burralow Creek
- Euroka campgrounds
During park fire ban periods, all campfire and solid fuel (wood, heat beads, charcoal, briquettes, hexamine) barbecues and stoves are prohibited. Gas and electric barbecues and cookers are permitted as long as:
- They're under direct control of an adult
- The ground within 2m of the barbecue is cleared of all flammable materials
- There's an adequate supply of water (minimum of a bucket)
If a Total Fire Ban is in place, different rules apply. Contact the local park office before bringing a gas or electric barbecue or cooker.
Penalties apply for non-compliance. For more information about fire bans in parks and reserves including your responsibilities, visit the NSW National Parks fire safety page.
Applies from Tue 1 Oct 2024, 12.00am to Mon 31 Mar 2025, 11.59pm. Last reviewed: Mon 4 Nov 2024, 8.50am
Fire bans: Hawkesbury-Nattai Reserves
A park fire ban is in place in this park and remains in effect unless otherwise extended or removed.
However, the following campgrounds are exempt in the following reserves:
Yellomundee Regional Park
- Shaws Creek Aboriginal Place
During park fire ban periods, all campfire and solid fuel (wood, heat beads, charcoal, briquettes, hexamine) barbecues and stoves are prohibited. Gas and electric barbecues and cookers are permitted as long as:
- They're under direct control of an adult
- The ground within 2m of the barbecue is cleared of all flammable materials
- There's an adequate supply of water (minimum of a bucket)
If a Total Fire Ban is in place, different rules apply. Contact the local park office before bringing a gas or electric barbecue or cooker.
Penalties apply for non-compliance. For more information about fire bans in parks and reserves including your responsibilities, visit the NSW National Parks fire safety page.
Affects 7 parks nearby. Show list
Applies from Fri 1 Nov 2024, 12.00am to Mon 31 Mar 2025, 11.59pm. Last reviewed: Mon 6 Jan 2025, 8.25am
Fire bans: Kanangra Reserves
A park fire ban is in place in this park and remains in effect unless otherwise extended or removed.
However Wombeyan Caves campground in Wombeyan Karst Conservation Reserve is exempt.
During park fire ban periods, all campfire and solid fuel (wood, heat beads, charcoal, briquettes, hexamine) barbecues and stoves are prohibited. Gas and electric barbecues and cookers are permitted as long as:
- They're under direct control of an adult
- The ground within 2m of the barbecue is cleared of all flammable materials
- There's an adequate supply of water (minimum of a bucket)
If a Total Fire Ban is in place, different rules apply. Contact the local park office before bringing a gas or electric barbecue or cooker.
Penalties apply for non-compliance. For more information about fire bans in parks and reserves including your responsibilities, visit the NSW National Parks fire safety page.
Applies from Tue 1 Oct 2024, 12.00am to Mon 31 Mar 2025, 11.59pm. Last reviewed: Wed 29 Jan 2025, 11.24am
Fire bans: Parr SCA
A park fire ban is in place in this park and remains in effect unless otherwise extended or removed.
However, Heartbreak Hill campground is exempt in Parr State Conservation Area.
During park fire ban periods, all campfire and solid fuel (wood, heat beads, charcoal, briquettes, hexamine) barbecues and stoves are prohibited. Gas and electric barbecues and cookers are permitted as long as:
- They're under direct control of an adult
- The ground within 2m of the barbecue is cleared of all flammable materials
- There's an adequate supply of water (minimum of a bucket)
If a Total Fire Ban is in place, different rules apply. Contact the local park office before bringing a gas or electric barbecue or cooker.
Penalties apply for non-compliance. For more information about fire bans in parks and reserves including your responsibilities, visit the NSW National Parks fire safety page.
Applies from Tue 1 Oct 2024, 12.00am to Mon 31 Mar 2025, 11.59pm. Last reviewed: Wed 29 Jan 2025, 11.24am
Fire bans: Yengo NP
A park fire ban is in place in this park and remains in effect unless otherwise extended or removed.
However, the following campgrounds and accommodation are exempt in Yengo National Park:
- Big Yango House and Haddens Hall
- Blue Gums
- Finchley
- Mogo
- Mountain Arm
During park fire ban periods, all campfire and solid fuel (wood, heat beads, charcoal, briquettes, hexamine) barbecues and stoves are prohibited. Gas and electric barbecues and cookers are permitted as long as:
- They're under direct control of an adult
- The ground within 2m of the barbecue is cleared of all flammable materials
- There's an adequate supply of water (minimum of a bucket)
If a Total Fire Ban is in place, different rules apply. Contact the local park office before bringing a gas or electric barbecue or cooker.
Penalties apply for non-compliance. For more information about fire bans in parks and reserves including your responsibilities, visit the NSW National Parks fire safety page.