Pambula-Haycock area
Beowa National Park
What we're doing
Park management activities
Pambula-Haycock area is in Beowa National Park. Beowa National Park has management strategies in place to protect and conserve the values of this park. Visit the detailed park and fire management documents. Here is just some of the work we’re doing to conserve these values:
Renaming of Beowa National Park
In a commitment to acknowledging and respecting Aboriginal cultural heritage of this area, Beowa National Park was renamed in 2022, in consultation with local Aboriginal custodians. Learn more about why this decision was made.
Preserving biodiversity
We conduct annual surveys for shorebirds along the beaches and do fox baiting to protect nesting birds. We’ve worked on a translocation project for the endangered green and golden bell frog and arboreal (tree-dwelling) species such as the yellow-bellied glider. We also work with land managers to ensure wildlife corridors in this area are maintained.
Developing visitor facilities and experiences
We’re working closely with the Eden Local Aboriginal Land Council to help develop the Bundian Way walking track.
Managing weeds pest animals and other threats
We undertake regular weed management in the Pambula-Haycock area. In particular, sea spurge along the beaches and arram lilly near Haycock Point.
Managing fire
We manage fire to not only protect life and property within and adjacent to the park but also to protect the park’s biodiversity. This includes conservation of rare, threatened plant and animal species.
Understanding landscapes and geology
The park’s contrasting landforms help us understand the role played by rocks in forming this unique landscape. Beowa National Park divides quite neatly into 2 geological zones: sedimentary basement rock in the north and much older metamorphic rock in the south. Important geological features in the park are protected and any work is undertaken in a way that minimises impacts on fossils and other geological features.
- in Beowa National Park in the South Coast region
The Pambula-Haycock area of Beowa National Park is always open but may have to close at times due to poor weather or fire danger.
Merimbula office
02 6495 5000
Contact hours: Monday to Friday and some weekends during peak holiday periods, 10am to 3pm. - 47 Merimbula Drive, cnr Sapphire Coast Drive, Merimbula NSW 2548
Merimbula office
Donate to NSW National Parks
Your donation will help buy land for national parks and fund practical on-ground actions to protect endangered species and strengthen our work with Aboriginal communities.