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Muttonbird Island Nature Reserve

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What we're doing

Park management activities

Muttonbird Island Nature Reserve has management strategies in place to protect and conserve the values of this park. Visit the detailed park and fire management documents.

Preserving biodiversity

Muttonbird Island Nature Reserve strives to protect its native plants and animals from that which threatens their survival. Conservation and control measures are in operation in this park, and work to minimise impacts from visitors and introduced species. Recovery plans are implemented as required and their effects monitored carefully by NPWS staff.

Developing visitor facilities and experiences

Muttonbird Island Nature Reserve maintains its facilities and infrastructure to ensure memorable experiences. Programs to maintain, refurbish or upgrade the park’s visitor offerings are in place within this park.

Conserving our Aboriginal culture

Aboriginal culture is of great value to NPWS and the wider community, and the condition of Muttonbird Island Nature Reserve’s significant Aboriginal sites and assets is monitored and conserved. In doing this, NPWS invests in staff and contractor training and liaises with the local Aboriginal community wherever possible. NPWS review of interpretation and signage projects is ongoing.


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