Murray Valley National Park
What we're doing
Park management activities
Murray Valley National Park has management strategies in place to protect and conserve the values of this park. Visit the detailed park and fire management documents. Here is just some of the work we’re doing to conserve these values:
Understanding landscapes and geology
NPWS is dedicated to preserving the special landscapes and natural assets of Murray Valley National Park. Programs to protect and preserve its waterways, Ramsar-listed wetland, forest environments and unique ecosystems are in place within the park.
The Living Murray Program
The Living Murray Program was established in 2002 to restore the health of 6 icon sites along the Murray River that were chosen for their environmental, cultural and international significance. One of these sites is the vast Barmah-Millewa Forest wetlands in Murray Valley National Park, which are formed where the Murray River meets the Cadell Fault.
Coordinated by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority, The Living Murray Program provides funding for NPWS to monitor the conditions of the Barmah-Millewa Forest wetlands. These conditions are strongly influenced by the timing and volume of water that is allowed into the wetlands from the Murray River. Water is also stored in upstream dams and fed into the system at times when operational flows are low.
Watch our educational video series to learn about the monitoring and conservation activities being undertaken by NPWS through the The Living Murray Program.
Developing visitor facilities and experiences
NPWS is dedicated to providing outstanding facilities and experiences for visitors to all NSW national parks. Amenities in Murray Valley National Park, including national park accommodation, picnic areas, tracks, trails, boardwalks and other facilities, receive ongoing maintenance as required.
Managing fire
NSW is one of the most bushfire prone areas in the world as a result of our climate, weather systems, vegetation and the rugged terrain. NPWS is committed to maintaining natural and cultural heritage values and minimising the likelihood and impact of bushfires via a strategic program of fire research, fire planning, hazard reduction, highly trained rapid response firefighting crews and community alerts.
- in the Murray-Riverina region
Murray Valley National Park is always open but may have to close at times due to poor weather or fire danger.
Moama office
03 5483 9100
Contact hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm. Closed 12pm to 1pm. - Factory 5, Lot 8 Bowlan Road, Moama NSW 2731
Moama office
Donate to NSW National Parks
Your donation will help buy land for national parks and fund practical on-ground actions to protect endangered species and strengthen our work with Aboriginal communities.