Leacock Regional Park
What we're doing
Park management activities
Leacock Regional Park has management strategies in place to protect and conserve the values of this park. Visit the detailed park and fire management documents. Here is just some of the work we’re doing to conserve these values:
Understanding landscapes and geology
A varied and diverse landscape is found in the park, from bushland in the north, to the historic rural landscape of Glenfield Farm in the central and southern portions. This landscape provides interest, diversity and a relatively natural setting for people visiting and living in the area. To maintain the landscape value of this park, NPWS recognises the need to undertake work to minimise the impact of soil erosion, weeds and stormwater run-off.
Preserving biodiversity
Leacock Regional Park provides an important biodiversity link and wildlife movement corridor to adjoining areas including Glen Regent Reserve to the south, and remnant vegetation along the Georges River to the east. It also links with the extensive bushland of Holsworthy Military Reserve. The two dams, particularly the one at the southern end of the Park, as well as the escarpment, provide important habitat for native animals. NPWS will deliver recovery plans and implement best practice guidelines to assist in recovery of endangered and vulnerable plant and animal species in this park.
Managing weeds, pest animals and other threats
Pests and weeds have an impact on the biodiversity values of Leacock Regional Park. Reduction of pest species, as well as risk assessment for new and emerging weeds, is an important part of the work NPWS to protect the biodiversity values of this park.
Historic heritage in our parks and reserves
Leacock Regional Park has an historic connection with Glenfield Farm, arguably the most intact representation of rural farm complexes from the Macquarie period that survives in NSW. NPWS will continue to protect and manage cultural heritage features of Leacock Regional Park to ensure this value is preserved for the future.
Conserving our Aboriginal culture
Aboriginal culture and connection to nature are inseparable and need to be managed in an integrated manner across the landscape of Leacock Regional Park. NPWS will continue to consult Darug descendant groups and other interested Aboriginal community organisations as to the ongoing management of this park, in particular the mangement of Aboriginal sites, places and natural values.
Managing fire
NSW is one of the most bushfire prone areas in the world as a result of our climate, weather systems, vegetation and the rugged terrain. NPWS is committed to maintaining natural and cultural heritage values and minimising the likelihood and impact of bushfires via a strategic program of fire research, fire planning, hazard reduction, highly trained rapid response firefighting crews and community alerts.
- in the Sydney and surrounds region
Leacock Regional Park is always open but may have to close at times due to poor weather or fire danger
Scheyville office
02 4580 2750
Contact hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm. Closed public holidays. - 71 Memorial Drive, Scheyville 2756
Email: npws.cumberland@environment.nsw.gov.au
Scheyville office
Donate to NSW National Parks
Your donation will help buy land for national parks and fund practical on-ground actions to protect endangered species and strengthen our work with Aboriginal communities.