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Green Cape area

Beowa National Park

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What we're doing

Park management activities

Green Cape area is in Beowa National Park. Beowa National Park has management strategies in place to protect and conserve the values of this park. Visit the detailed park and fire management documents. Here is just some of the work we’re doing to conserve these values:

NSW National Parks Visitor Infrastructure Program

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) is undertaking a range of projects to enhance visitor facilities and create new, iconic visitor experiences in our national parks, including Beowa National Park. These projects aim to increase nature-based tourism in NSW, to boost regional visitor economies and improve community wellbeing.

Learn more about the Light to Light walk project

Conserving our Aboriginal culture

We have a strong association with Eden Local Aboriginal Land Council. The preservation of Aboriginal cultural heritage is paramount in any of our park management activities.

Renaming of Beowa National Park

In a commitment to acknowledging and respecting Aboriginal cultural heritage of this area, Beowa National Park was renamed in 2022, in consultation with local Aboriginal custodians. Learn more about why this decision was made.

Preserving biodiversity

We have an active monitoring and evaluation program for the endangered southern brown bandicoot. We work closely with researchers on this species because the Green Cape area is the stronghold of this species in NSW.

Managing weeds, pest animals and other threats

We control sea spurge along the beaches. We also have an active dog, fox and cat control program to protect native species—particularly the endangered southern-brown bandicoot and long-nosed potoroo.

Developing visitor facilities and experiences

We are planning to upgrade the iconic Light to Light walk from Boyds Tower to Green Cape. This upgrade will see new walking track sections along the spectacular coastline and hut style accommodation at Mowarry Point and Hegartys Bay.

Managing fire

We do regular hazard reduction burning to protect life and property in Beowa National Park. We also undertake ecological burns to produce habitat suitable for species with specific requirements and to provide for conservation of individual species.

Understanding landscapes and geology

The park’s contrasting landforms help us understand the role played by rocks in forming this unique landscape. Beowa National Park divides quite neatly into 2 geological zones: sedimentary basement rock in the north and much older metamorphic rock in the south. Important geological features in the park are protected and any work is undertaken in a way that minimises impacts on fossils and other geological features.


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