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Daisy Plains picnic area

Carrai National Park

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Visitor info

All the practical information you need to know about the Daisy Plains picnic area.

Getting there and parking

Daisy Plains picnic area is in Carrai National Park. To get there:
From Armidale:

  • Take New England Highway south then Oxley Highway east
  • From Walcha continue around 54km
  • Turn left onto Kangaroo Flat Road and follow signs to Werrikimbe National Park
  • Take Mooraback Road, then Racecourse trail through to Coachwood Road
  • Follow Coachwood Road to Kookaburra, where it meets Carrai Road.
  • Continue along Carrai Road for 23km to Daisy Plains picnic area.

From Kempsey:

  • Turn off Macleay Valley Way north of Kempsey onto Second Lane
  • Cross the train line and continue to the end of the road
  • Turn right onto River Street which becomes Armidale Road
  • Drive around 19km then turn left on Temagog Road
  • After 8.5km this becomes Willi Willi Road, continue 17.5km
  • Turn left onto Carrai Road. From here, it’s 46.5km to Daisy Plains picnic area.

Road quality

  • Unsealed roads

Vehicle access

  • All roads require 4WD vehicle

Weather restrictions

  • Dry weather only


Parking is available at Daisy Plains picnic area.

Maps and downloads

Safety messages

Bushwalking safety

Camping safety

Cycling safety

Fire safety

Mobile safety

Water activities

The aquatic environment around rivers, lakes and lagoons can be unpredictable. If you're visiting these areas, take note of these river and lake safety tips.


Disability access level - no wheelchair access


Camp fires and solid fuel burners






Gathering firewood




Daisy Plains picnic area

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