Applies from Tue 19 Mar 2024, 9.25pm. Last reviewed: Tue 5 Nov 2024, 9.18am
Closed areas: Ngambaa Feral Predator Free Area - Closed Roads
Construction is complete on the Ngambaa Feral Predator-Free Area which has necessitated the closure of roads in the reserve for visitor safety.
Cedar Park picnic area will remain open and available for visitor access.
The following roads are subject to permanent closure as part of the construction and operation of the feral predator free area:
- Wittigs Road
- parts of Stockyard Creek Road
- Seams Road
- Jacks Road
- Buds Crossing Road
Construction works were completed in August and the 23k of fencing is complete.
Construction works have included:
- clearing the fence corridor
- building the fence
- installing bridge and culvert crossings.
Information regarding the project can be obtained via the following link:
For further information please contact the NPWS Coffs Coast area office on 02 6652 0900
Affects 1 park nearby. Show list
Applies from Tue 6 Aug 2024, 11.37am to Mon 31 Mar 2025, 11.38am. Last reviewed: Wed 20 Nov 2024, 8.27am
Other planned events: Notice of Fox Baiting Program
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) is conducting an ongoing ground baiting program in Gaagal Wanggaan (South Beach) National Park, Moonee Beach Nature Reserve and Bongil Bongil National Park, from 10 August 2024 to 28 February 2025. The operation will use 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate) poison for the control of foxes. The program is designed to minimise fox impacts on wildlife, especially threatened species. Signs will be placed at the entry to the baiting area. Domestic pets are not permitted in NSW NPWS-managed lands. Pets and working dogs may be affected (1080 is lethal to cats and dogs) and should be restrained or muzzled in the vicinity and also must not enter the baiting location. In the event of accidental poisoning seek immediate veterinary assistance. Please contact the local Coffs Coast NPWS area office for more information on 02 6652 0900.
Affects 1 park nearby. Show list
Applies from Mon 1 Mar 2021, 11.38am. Last reviewed: Thu 18 Jul 2024, 8.26am
Closed areas: Area permanently closed - Mermaid Pools
Access to Mermaid Pools is permanently closed including for swimming. Sudden large swells and tides create major waves that wash over the rocks and pools.
Do not access this area. The severe conditions at this site have caused a number of significant injuries and deaths in the past.
Mermaid Pools have never been a designated visitor site due to the extreme nature of the surf and tides at this location. There is no approved public access walking track to Mermaid Pools.
For further information call the NPWS Verges Creek area office on 02 6561 6700.
Affects 1 park and 1 location nearby. Show list