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Couridjah Corridor walk

Nattai National Park

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Couridjah Corridor walk is a 14km return walk that takes in both Thirlmere Lakes National Park and Nattai National Park. Great for hiking, bushwalking and birdwatching.

14km return
Time suggested
4 - 6hrs
Grade 4
Trip Intention Form

It's a good idea to let someone know where you're going. Fill in a trip intention form to send important details about your trip to your emergency contact.

What to
Drinking water, hat, sunscreen, suitable clothing

See some of the best spots of the spectacular Thirlmere Lakes and Nattai National Park along Couridjah Corridor walk. You’ll pass by Hawkesbury sandstone cliffs, sheltered gorges, eucalypt forests and the wetlands of Thirlmere Lakes. When you reach the locked gate, retrace your steps along the return journey.

There’s so much to discover here, including an amazing array of animals and birds, ranging from eastern grey kangaroos, wallaroos and brush-tailed rock wallabies to glossy black cockatoos and powerful owls.

‘Couridjah’ means ‘honey’ in the Gundagurra language, and this land has long been prized by Aboriginal people for its constant water supply and abundant wildlife.

For directions, safety and practical information, see visitor info


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A family walk a boardwalk section of Bouddi coastal walk, Bouddi National Park. Photo: John Spencer/OEH.

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