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Showing 9 School excursions:

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School excursions (9)

Male secondary student studying seeds on a groundsheet, Kosciuszko National Park. Credit: Remy Brand © Remy Brand/DCCEEW

Going up the mountain

Going up the mountain is a school excursion in Kosciuszko National Park for Stage 6 (Years 11-12) students focusing on Geography. Students will use field work to record and compare the geology, weather, native plants, animals, human use and sustainability of the montane, sub-alpine and alpine ecosystems.

Stage 6 (Years 11-12)
Learning area

Weekdays November to May.

Kosciuszko Education Centre, Thredbo-Perisher area
Pipers Creek trail, Kosciuszko National Park. Photo: John Spencer

Biodiversity survey

The biodiversity survey school excursion in Kosciuszko National Park for Stage 4 (Years 7-8) students focuses on Science. Investigate what 'biodiversity' means and use field equipment to assess the biodiversity of sample quadrats along a transect in the montane forest.

Stage 4 (Years 7-8)
Learning area

Weekdays November to May.

Kosciuszko Education Centre, Thredbo-Perisher area
Views from the Snow Gums Broadwalk in Kosciuszko National Park. Photo: E Sheargold © DPE

Kosciuszko - a special place

Kosciuszko a special place is a presentation for stage 6 (year 11-12) students focusing on Geography. This excursion highlights the unique natural and cultural features of Kosciuszko National Park, interaction of the four spheres, human impacts, sustainability and park management. Students have the opportunity to have their questions answered by an NPWS education officer.

Stage 6 (Years 11-12)
Learning area

Weekdays all year.

Kosciuszko Education Centre, Thredbo-Perisher area
A group of students gathered in a circle for an excursion activity in Kosciuszko National Park. Photo: Adam Hollingworth © DPE

Teddy bears' picnic

Teddy bears' picnic is an Early Stage 1 (Kindergarten) school excursion in Kosciuszko National Park, focusing on HSIE and Science and Technology as LAs. You'll listen to a story, go on a sensory awareness walk and play teddy bear tag amongst other activities.

Early Stage 1 (Kindergarten)
Learning area
HSIE, Science and Technology

Weekdays October to May.

Kosciuszko Education Centre, Thredbo-Perisher area
Primary school students on an excursion in Kosciuszko National Park. Photo: Adam Hollingworth &copy DPIE

Environmental scientist

Primary students learn to think like an environmental scientist in this Stage 3 Science and Technology excursion. They'll investigate living things and their habitats in Kosciuszko National Park, and then plan and do their own simple scientific investigation.

Stage 3 (Years 5-6)
Learning area
Science and Technology

Booking by arrangement, September to May (not during winter).

Kosciuszko Education Centre, Thredbo-Perisher area

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