Nearby alerts
Applies from Mon 24 Feb 2025, 12.15am to Sun 24 Aug 2025, 11.57pm. Last reviewed: Tue 18 Feb 2025, 9.19am
Other planned events: Notification of Ongoing 1080 Baiting - Wild Dogs/Foxes
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) is conducting an ongoing ground baiting program from 24th February 2025 to 24th August 2025 . The operation will use 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate) poison for the control of feral animals including wild dogs and foxes.
The program will take place in Kosciuszko National Park and Clarkes Hill, Bogandyera and Jingellic Nature Reserves.
The program is designed to minimise predator impacts on wildlife, especially threatened species, and to minimise impact of wild dogs on neighbouring stock.
Signs will be placed at the entry to the baiting location. Domestic pets are not permitted in NSW National Parks managed lands. Pets and working dogs may be affected (1080 is lethal to cats and dogs). Pets and working dogs must be restrained or muzzled in the vicinity and must not enter the baiting location. In the event of accidental poisoning seek immediate veterinary assistance.
Please contact the local Khancoban NPWS area office for more information on 02 6070 8400.
Affects 2 parks nearby. Show list
Applies from Sun 10 Nov 2024, 3.02pm to Mon 10 Mar 2025, 3.03pm. Last reviewed: Thu 13 Feb 2025, 9.13am
Fire bans: Park Fire Ban
A park fire ban is in place in this park and remains in effect unless otherwise extended or removed. During park fire ban periods, all campfire and solid fuel (wood, heat beads, charcoal, briquettes, hexamine) barbecues and stoves are prohibited. Gas and electric barbecues and cookers are permitted as long as:
- They're under direct control of an adult
- The ground within 2m of the barbecue is cleared of all flammable materials
- There's an adequate supply of water (minimum of a bucket)
If a Total Fire Ban is in place, different rules apply. Contact the local park office before bringing a gas or electric barbecue or cooker.
Penalties apply for non-compliance. For more information about fire bans in parks and reserves including your responsibilities, visit the NSW National Parks fire safety page.
Affects 1 park nearby. Show list
Applies from Wed 23 Aug 2023, 1.45pm to Mon 30 Jun 2025, 1.47pm. Last reviewed: Mon 2 Dec 2024, 8.51am
Safety alerts: Potential for Unexploded Ordinances in Livingstone National Park
There is a Substantial risk of unexploded ordinances (UXO) within Livingstone National Park.
There is signage erected at all entrances to the risk area.
If you are driving, bushwalking or mountain biking in the area, you must keep to the formed trails within the UXO risk area. No camping or digging of any kind is permitted within the risk area.
For more information, contact the NPWS Tumut area office on 02 6947 7000.
Affects 1 park nearby. Show list