Applies from Thu 3 Oct 2024, 6.00am to Fri 31 Jan 2025, 4.30pm. Last reviewed: Thu 16 Jan 2025, 8.48am
Other planned events: Temporary increase in presence of feral animal carcasses
NPWS undertook increased feral animal control operations in the northern section of Kosciuszko National Park over winter, as part of a state-wide focus on reducing the impacts of feral animals on NSW national parks.
As a result, higher than usual numbers of feral animal carcasses are temporarily present in the landscape. NPWS advises that there is an increased chance that visitors may encounter carcasses while driving, walking or riding in the area.
Carcasses are generally left in the landscape during most widescale feral animal control operations. They are likely to decompose in approximately 4 weeks over summer. Decomposition is slower in winter.
Carcasses do not pose a health or safety risk to visitors if left undisturbed. Please maintain a respectful distance and do not touch or move carcasses.
If you are uncomfortable or concerned about the presence of feral animal carcasses, you may wish to consider visiting other locations in the park.
Affects 1 park and 18 locations nearby.