Watagan Flora Reserves

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Watagan Flora Reserves was created in July 2022. It covers an area of 1,494ha. View the detailed park and fire management documents.

View the detailed park and fire management documents for Watagan Flora Reserves.

Watagan Flora Reserves covers 3 areas including Bar, Olney, and Warrawolong Flora Reserves. The reserves are 45 kilometres from Newcastle, along the north edge of Olney State Forest and west boundary of Watagan State Forest.

The reserves are in a transition zone, where the wet forest of the North Coast meets the drier forests of Sydney sandstone country. This mix of vegetation provides a broad range of habitat for native plants and animals. 57 threatened native animal species have been recorded in or near the reserves, and the area is believed to provide important habitat to koalas.

Great North Walk, a 250km multi-day walk from central Sydney to Newcastle, passes through Watagan Flora Reserves.

About flora reserves

Flora reserves were established under the Forestry Act 2012 and remain State Forest. Under a unique management arrangement, this land is managed by NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. This ensures management is consistent with the adjoining national parks.

Current alerts in this area

There are no current alerts in this area.

Local alerts

For the latest updates on fires, closures and other alerts in this area, see https://www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/visit-a-park/parks/watagan-flora-reserves/local-alerts
