Pucawan Nature Reserve
Pucawan Nature Reserve was created in March 1988. It covers an area of 274ha. View the detailed park and fire management documents.
Communities of mugga iron bark, black cypress pine and dwyer's mallee gum are found on stony slopes, while grey box and red stringy bark dominate the more fertile soils of the foot slopes and drainage lines. Low woodland and shrubland is found on ridgetops.
Pucawan Nature Reserve is managed to preserve these habitats through minimising disturbance and limiting public access.
Local alerts
For the latest updates on fires, closures and other alerts in this area, see https://www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/visit-a-park/parks/pucawan-nature-reserve/local-alerts
- in the Murray-Riverina region
Griffith office
02 6966 8100
Contact hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm. Closed 1pm to 2pm. - 200 Yambil Street, Griffith NSW 2680
Email: npws.riverina@environment.nsw.gov.au
Griffith office
Griffith office
02 6966 8100
Contact hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm. Closed 1pm to 2pm. - 200 Yambil Street, Griffith NSW 2680
Email: npws.riverina@environment.nsw.gov.au
Griffith office