Davidson Whaling Station Historic Site

Closed due to current alerts 


Davidson Whaling Station Historic Site was created in April 1986. It covers an area of 27ha. View the detailed park and fire management documents.

Davidson Whaling Station Historic Site is located near Beowa National Park, on the shores of the Kiah Inlet at Twofold Bay. Davidson Whaling Station was the longest-operating shore-based whaling station in Australia and the last of its type to close down. Protected today as an historic site, the station will give you a unique insight into the lives and industry of the 19th century whalers.

Find out more about visiting Davidson Whaling Station.

Current alerts in this area

There are no current alerts in this area.

Local alerts

For the latest updates on fires, closures and other alerts in this area, see https://www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/visit-a-park/parks/davidson-whaling-station-historic-site/local-alerts
