Canoelands Ridge horse riding trail

Marramarra National Park

Affected by closures, check current alerts 


Enjoy stunning views of the Hawkesbury River as you horse ride along Canoelands Ridge trail. This 18km bush trail follows open ridges and sheltered gullies in Marramarra National Park, close to Sydney.

No wheelchair access
18km return
Time suggested
3.5-5 hr
What to
Drinking water, suitable clothing, hat, sunscreen, first aid kit, snacks, sturdy shoes
Please note

Gaze at panoramic views of the Hawkesbury River and Marramarra National Park’s forested valleys as you horse ride, mountain bike or walk Canoelands Ridge trail.

Starting from Canoelands Road, this relatively remote ride follows Canoelands Ridge trail 18km return, taking you along ridges and via sheltered gullies. There are some challenging steep and gravelly sections.

If you’re into endurance or long-distance rides this is a great training trail, though the trail is shared with bushwalkers and cyclists.

In spring, you’ll see colourful wildflowers on the ridges and crimson waratahs and Gymea lilies in the gullies. The views are lovely all year round, so why not bring a picnic lunch and relax at the end of the trail, before returning the way you came.

For directions, safety and practical information, see visitor info


  • Marramarra National Park, Canoelands Ridge track. Photo: John Spencer © OEH

    Canoelands Ridge walking track

    Canoelands Ridge walking track is a beautiful day walk near Hornsby and Sydney. See scenic Hawkesbury River views and native wildflowers along the way on this long hike.


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Visitor info

All the practical information you need to know about Canoelands Ridge horse riding trail.

Getting there and parking

Get driving directions

Get directions

    Canoelands Ridge horse riding trail is in Marramarra National Park. To get there:

    From Glenorie:

    • Head north on Old Northern Road around 12.5km
    • Turn right onto Canoelands Road and continue around 8km to Canoelands Ridge trail carpark on the left
    • If travelling with horse floats continue a further 300m along Canoelands Road and use the turning circle and carpark at the end of the road
    • The trail starts at the locked gate

    Road quality

    • Sealed roads

    Vehicle access

    • 2WD vehicles

    Weather restrictions

    • All weather


    Horse float parking is only available at the end of Canoelands Road, 300m beyond the start of the Canoelands Ridge trail.


    • The nearest public toilets are at Glenorie shops on Old Northern Road (20km to the south)
    • You'll need to bring all equipment for you and your horse for the duration of your visit
    • There are no hitching rails or posts
    • Please bring plenty of drinking water


    Maps and downloads

    Safety messages

    Bushwalking safety

    If you're keen to head out on a longer walk or a backpack camp, always be prepared. Read these bushwalking safety tips before you set off on a walking adventure in national parks.

    Cycling safety

    Hundreds of cyclists head to our national parks for fun and adventure. If you're riding your bike through a national park, read these mountain biking and cycling safety tips.

    Fire safety

    During periods of fire weather, the Commissioner of the NSW Rural Fire Service may declare a total fire ban for particular NSW fire areas, or statewide. Learn more about total fire bans and fire safety.

    Horse riding safety

    Before you hop on your horse, learn how to keep you and your riding group safe.

    Mobile safety

    Dial Triple Zero (000) in an emergency. Download the Emergency Plus app before you visit, it helps emergency services locate you using your smartphone's GPS. Please note there is limited mobile phone reception in this park and you’ll need mobile reception to call Triple Zero (000).


    Disability access level - no wheelchair access




    Camp fires and solid fuel burners


    Pets and domestic animals (other than certified assistance animals) are not permitted. Find out which regional parks allow dog walking and see the pets in parks policy for more information.


    NSW national parks are no smoking areas.

    Learn more

    Canoelands Ridge horse riding trail is in Marramarra National Park. Here are just some of the reasons why this park is special:

    Darug country

    Sandstone cave, Marramarra National Park. Photo: John Spencer

    Marramarra is part of the traditional lands of the Darug Aboriginal people. Their use and respect of the land can be found in isolated corners of the park. The surviving Aboriginal sites, which provide the only indications of traditional life in the area, are of special importance to local Aboriginal communities. Cave art, rock engravings, grinding grooves, middens, scarred trees, and other occupational deposits and stone arrangements are all part of Marramarra. 

    Exploring the land

    View of the Hawkesbury River, Marramarra National Park. Photo: John Spencer

    In the early days of the new colony, Hawkesbury River was a major communication route and supported an active river-based community. European exploration began as early as 1789 when Governor Arthur Phillip took his second trip up Hawkesbury River and camped at Gentlemans Halt. By 1884, there was a small community at Gentlemans Halt and a provisional school had been established; you can still see the foundations of a road and a wharf from this era. Other reminders of European historic heritage include remains of orange orchards along Marramarra Creek and the foundations of a hut, stone walls and a well at Big Bay.

    Is it a bird?

    Flannel flowers (Actinotus helianthi), Marramarra National Park. Photo: Michael Jarman

    Marramarra is home to a great diversity of animals and birds, making it a great place for wildlife spotting and bird watching. You're likely to spot a white-breasted sea eagle, swamp wallaby, possum or kingfisher in your travels. If you're lucky, you might come across some of the more uncommon animals found here such as rails, gang-gang and glossy black cockatoos, and red-crowned toadlets.

    Plentiful lands

    View of the Hawkesbury River, Marramarra National Park. Photo: John Spencer

    The sandstone ridges and deep gullies of Marramarra support a wide range of environments. Experience salt marsh and mangrove forests on the shores of Hawkesbury River, to tall open forest and ridge-top woodlands. In spring, the bush turns into a brilliant display of colour as the wildflowers burst in action. Discover the unique plant life and help preserve it – why not participate in the bush regeneration volunteer programs in the park?

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